Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Season

2012 is here!!!

We have jumped in with both feet and are excited for this new season. The Lord has given us a vision that we can no longer contain. Most of you know that we are going to begin leading Freedom Church Long Beach on Jan 29th. While that was a HUGE surprise, it actually confirmed what the spirit had already been stirring in us.

Eugene and I have always been the kind of people who roll up our selves and get the job done. We often press the limits and take risks that lead us to solely depend on Jesus. Shoot for the past three years I feel like the only security I have is in Jesus. Lesson well learned. I look baƧk now and what I thought would kill me really prepared me for this vision the Lord has given us.

A few weeks back our Senior Pastor came to us and told us that he was resigning from our current church (a pretty new church plant) and moving up North to pastor a church of a completely different culture than Freedom Church. We were asked to interim Senior Pastor the church and we of course so eagerly accepted. We don't know yet if this is the long term ministry assignment we have but we are excited to lead such an amazing group of people until that decision is made. As I watched Pastor Bobby share with the congregation yesterday about this journey and transition. I heard and saw unity strike the body of Freedom Church Long Beach. I saw them band together, trusting God has the heart in of Freedom Church in his hands and WE CAN TRUST IT! They were eager to know the vision of the next leadership. Many came to us asking what God spoke to us for Freedom Church. Hungry for the vision.

Though we can't execute a complete vision yet in this transition, I can promise that we will execute preaching God's word, teaching, loving and seeking the lost until the final decision has been made. As for the question many of you had; Can we trust our district head as far as what will happen to Freedom Church? We can not only trust Tim Clark but count on the fact that he will seek the Lord in this important decision. It will not be just a spot to fill but a God Ordained Appointment!

Get Excited Freedom Church, God is on the Move!!!

