Saturday, March 3, 2012

Church In Action Sunday

Last Sunday we challenged our church to roll up their selves and do something out of the box for a church service.

For the month of February we had announced to our church, Freedom Church LB, that we would be collecting blankets for the homeless. We explained at the end of the month we would give them out. What we didn't tell them is that when they showed up to church that Sunday we would be doing service outside the building. The Saturday before we packed 60 sack lunches and rolled 30 blankets with some leadership in the church.

Sunday morning came (and of course we had like 5 new visitors) and we announced we were going to be a
"Church in Action" that day. We were greeted with an overwhelming response of excitement and eagerness to put their faith to action. We loaded up our cars and went to the largest area in Long Beach where homeless sleep under the FWY. Look below to see our experience.

As you can see we had a large response from our church of 70 and we went and blessed those who can't even meet their basic needs. My favorite part of the day was seeing the children run up to the front to hand out lunches and didn't even blink an eye at the fact that they were dirty, rough and what most would call cast aways. No they ran to meet them and show them the love of Christ.

Don't just pray for change BE the change you want to see in your city!

