Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Morning Commentary

High Impact Church

Pastor Bobby taught an amazing message yesterday about being the kind of church that has an impact on our community. As he taught us about what this type of church looked like, he challenged us to become the kind of followers of Christ that have an active walk; One's that are dependent on the voice of the Lord rather than man or this world's point of view. This entire message spoke to me but there was one point that caused my spirit to soar.

Being committed to Kingdom advancement. This point brought such a fire in me that I couldn't help but put pen to paper on all the Lord was revealing to me throughout this message. What does Kingdom advancement look like? How do I play apart? What in me needs to be submitted unto my King of Kings so that I can reach the fullest commitment of Kingdom advancement?

When I think of Kingdom advancement, I see a church that doesn't just worry about how many people warm their chairs on a Sunday morning. I see a church that isn't concerned with perfection but rather a church that is concerned with the LOST! When did church become a place for the christian to get filled up never to be emptied out. I don't want to be the kind of leader that doesn't teach pouring out all God has given us to help harvest the LOST! As Eugene and I begin this journey leading a church all we can think about is getting out of the building and into the places the enemy hopes no church will go. I want to be the woman that stops when she sees a broken heart or a hungry person. I don't want to be so consumed with my OWN advancement that I can't possibly advance the Kingdom of God. 

To me my perspective has changed on what I have to have or how I live. I will happily give up my life to be a part of this commission to see the LOST come to know the KING who gives hope when there is none. I will gladly trade in my career and AMERICAN DREAM to feed a family who has lost their home and sleeping under a bridge. I will show the LOVE of Jesus in all that I do and tell of His mighty Love for us.

I believe the body of Christ (the church) needs an awakening to things that really matter about a church. How we sow our seed in people's lives will determine our reaping. I want to sow seed of love, hope, restoration. I don't want to sow a seed that looks at perfection in a service or competition with the church next door. 

Lord, help me to be the woman you have called out of darkness to bring a light so pure and full of hope to the people no one else wants to go near. I want my life to count towards your Kingdom advancement and help me to submit every area of my life so that it will flow through our leadership. Take this imperfect person and use me how you see fit.

How were you impacted this last Sunday?



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