Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The push before breakthrough

Have you ever noticed that right before a breakthrough in your life there is this big massive push that has to happen to get you there. I compare it much to labor. I think of all the Lord is calling us too and how much we desire to walk center of His will. At times there are things that arise that just seems like it's so much toil to get the fruit.

While I was praying ok more like complaining to God the other day, I found myself talking out loud to the Lord in my car. I said to Him, this is worse than LABOR! My whining even reminded me of myself in labor (not a pretty site) LOL. I can imagine the people who drive next to me while we are in traffic have themselves some really great laughs.

Most of us don't want to push through the stuff that seems unfair, out of our plan or not part of the deal. Trust me I find myself there as well. I however know that when it comes to giving birth to something it requires a lot of time, pain and yes pushing. Though it seems like when something in our lives requires this amount of work it might not be of God, can I challenge you to look deeply into His Word and your prayer life and often times what requires the most work, is the breaking of something that brings much fruit.

Often times in the midst of the push I don't understand nor see the other side but if I trust the Lord and His leading it always brings fruit. He promises never to leave us nor forsake us and to bring us thru the mountain not leave us at the bottom.

Press on, press on because the Lord is about to bring an awakening far beyond any of us have seen yet and he is going to need us mature, equipped and ready to reap the harvest!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you're married to a pastor. I think that must be an awesome way to stay connected to God


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